HD – A
AD – 1
OCD – Free
EKG Ultrasound DCM- Free Dec. 2020
ZTP – 2019
PH. Passed its PH examination (Police dog licensing)
PH U. (Police Young dog)
PH-P. (Patrol Class)
2021 Selected for PH Denmark’s championship in the Patrol class
Nordic Junior Winner 2018
IDC Slovakia 2018 EX3 junior class
IDC Hungary 2019 EX3 Working Class
Danish Winner 2019
Danish Breed Winner 2019
Danish Champion
Swedish Champion
Norwegian Champion
International Champion (CIB-CIE )
Emiko is a great dog all way through. She is beautiful and very calm when she has to, but she has a great temper when it comes to the work and training part – I can always communicate with her and she is not the type of dog who gives up.
Emiko is a compact but feminine bitch.
Emiko is very good at tracking – it’s a natural thing for her – she is very calm when she is doing it. I can se her mother (Grusholm Nova) through Emiko when we are working.
Nova is also mother to Dobergaarden Forever Quicha and she has the same characters.
All 3 bitches have beautiful exterior, they can work and they can be calm and loving family dogs.
Jeg mistede Emiko torsdag morgen d. 21 oktober 2021, efter kort tids sygdom. Hun var så uheldig at få hul på inderlåret tæt på lysken efter et bid fra min anden hund i lørdags. Hun kom under behandling, men infektionen var stærkere end medicinen kunne klare. Tirsdag morgen blev hun indlagt og fik direkte injektion de næste 2 dage. Hun var hjemme i nattetimerne, og en overgang virkede det, som om at det ville vende. Men desværre torsdag morgen sprang den store arterie i lysken, og hun styrtblødte. Vi nåede lige at komme til dyrlægen, inden hun udåndede.
Dyrlægen var dybt imponeret over, så fantastisk hun var at have som patient på klinikken, og efter den første dag sagde han, at hun var en meget stærk og sund hund, for infektionen var meget alvorlig.
Jeg kommer til at savne Emiko, og vi var lige nået dertil, at vi for alvor skulle til at erobre verden. Som 4-årig havde hun og jeg opnået fantastiske resultater inden for udstilling, konkurrencer og prøver. Emiko nåede også at få et dejlig kuld hvalpe, der alle i dag stortrives.
Den dag hun gik bort, modtog jeg ironisk nok to diplomer på, at hun var blevet International Show Champion og International Beauty Champion i FCI. 2 titler i rækken af mange titler.
Du bliver savnet.
Thursday morning, I lost Emiko after a short illness. Unfortunately, she sustained an injury to the inside of her thigh close to the groin. The injury was caused on Saturday by a bite from my other dog.
She received treatment but the infection was stronger than the medicine.
Tuesday morning, she was hospitalized and received IV for the next 2 days. She was at home with us during the night and for a while it seemed like she was on the way to recovery.
Thursday morning the big artery burst, and she bled profusely. We arrived at the vet moments before she expired.
The vet was very impressed by Emiko, and she was a fantastic patient. He said that she was a very strong and healthy dog, and she put up a courageous fight against the infection.
I shall miss Emiko immensely, and we were about to conquer the world together. She was only 4year old, but together we accomplished great things in both shows, competitions and trials.
Emiko also had a wonderful litter of puppies, and they all thrive.
Ironically, the day she passed, I received 2 FCI diplomas from her international show championship and international beauty championship. 2 titles in a long row of titles.
Emiko, you will be missed.