HD – Free
ED – Free
OCD Free
24 hours Holter free
Cardio 2017 free
IPO 1 (Highest point in Danish Dobermann Club 2015)
PH. Passed its PH examination (Police dog licensing)
PH U. (Police Young dog)
PH-P. (Patrol Class)
Danish Champion in Petrol class in Police Force 2016
PH-K (Crime Class)
PH-V (Winner Class)
ZTP – V 1A .
Danish working Champion
Danish Junior winner 2015
IDC 2016 working class V3.
DV. Siegerin 2016.
International Champion
International Show Champion
Danish Champion
Swedish Champion
Norwegian Champion
Nordic Champion
Norwegian Winner 2016
Nordic Winner 2016
In just 1 year, 2016, our bitch Quicha has excelled both at shows and working dog trials.
She lives and breathes for doing her best for me as her owner and handler, and she looks like she is going to die if I give her leash to another person. Still she trusts me enough to accept my choice and stays calm.
Quicha is a very trusting dog when meeting new people. At home she is a perfect house dog, calm and well balanced. She is always ready to get out and experience the world. When she sees me packing my bags, she assumes that she is coming with me on tour. We have been on many trips to Europe together, and she has never been stressed. Through and through she is a balanced dog.
In our kennel we have had both her mother (Grusholm Nova) and her maternal grandmother (Lucky di Altobello), and it has been very interesting following how the line of breeding has developed through the years.