️Congratulations to Hans Jørn and Lafiet️ (Johnross vom Lehmannsfelsen X Dobergaarden Forever Una) Lafiet has passede the PH-Young dog test (Police test…
️Congratulations to Hans Jørn and Lafiet️ (Johnross vom Lehmannsfelsen X Dobergaarden Forever Una) Lafiet has passede the PH-Young dog test (Police test…
Junior class males Dobergaarden Forever Jadi Sandblaze –EX2 (CH Dobergaarden Forever Athos x Amazing Grace di Altobello)
Junior class males Dobergaarden Forever Jadi Sandblaze –EX2 (CH Dobergaarden Forever Athos x Amazing Grace di Altobello)
Junior class males Dobergaarden Forever Jadi Sandblaze – (CH Dobergaarden Forever Athos x Amazing Grace di Altobello) EX1, CK, Danish Junior Winner 2012…
Puppies for sale! (CH Maxim di Altobello x Lucky di Altobello) 12 weeks MALES FEMALES
Puppies for sale! (CH Maxim di Altobello x Lucky di Altobello) 12 weeks MALES FEMALES
Judges: Hans Wiblishauser (D), Pierluigi Pezzano (I), Jose Maria Bulo, Merete Dalgaard (DK), Norbert Daube (D), Florindo Coppo (I) Junior class…
Judges: Hans Wiblishauser (D), Pierluigi Pezzano (I), Jose Maria Bulo, Merete Dalgaard (DK), Norbert Daube (D), Florindo Coppo (I) Junior class brown…