Dobergaarden Forever Xina (Pride of Russia Taymir X Dobergaarden Forever Cika)
Dobergaarden Forever Quicha – 3 Yrs (DF Athos X Grusholms Nova) Dobergaarden Forever Cika – 7 yrs (Xox di Altobello X Lola di Altobello) …
Beginners Obedience: DF Utah and Hans Jørgen Bentsen – No 2 Fpr2 (IPO 2 track) Grusholms Nova and Ida Florence Ingbrand –…
( 3 Fantastic results in Kennel Dobergaarden Forever ) Diana Bentsen Dobergaarden Forever Quicha (DF Athos – Grusholms Nova) was no….
We are proud to present our results, thank and congratulations to the owners for good results. Thank you all for a great…
Dobergaarden Forever Quisha (DF Athos – Grusholms Nova) was no. 1 in Patrol class in the police dog club in Denmark on…
Dommer Andrzej Szutkiewicz, Poland Mellem klasse hanner DF Utah EX1 CAC, best male BOS Junior klasse tæver DF Una EX2
Hvalpe Klasse Brune Tæver DF Xina VP2 Mellem Klasse brune Hanner DF Utah VG3 Mellem Klasse Sorte Tæver DF Una VG Brugs…
Dommer Per Svarstad, Sweden Hvalpe klasse Tæver DF Xina VP1 BOS-Hvalp
Dommer Guido Shäfer (D) Hvalpe klasse Tæver DF Xina VP1 BOS-Hvalp