Judge Blörnes Svein (DK) Tahi-Réme X-Boy got Excellent 1v CK Nordic-J cert. Best Junior and BOB. And on the day X-Boy became…
Judge Blörnes Svein (DK) Tahi-Réme X-Boy got Excellent 1v CK Nordic-J cert. Best Junior and BOB. And on the day X-Boy became…
Friday 10-05-2024. Result from today’s show in Roskilde Nordic viking show. Judge: Pedro Sanchez Delerue (PT) Grusholm participated with: Tahi-Réme X-Boy best…
The Easter puppies have arrived They are very powerful, all have sought milk immediately from their mother. Palma is a wonderfully calm…
Today, Palma was scanned pregnant with puppies, we expect them at Easter. Faderen til kuldet er: Kingston van de Rijucohoeve https://da.working-dog.com/dogs-details/7130535/Kingston-van-de-Rijucohoeve…
Judge, Jarmo Tapani Hilpinen (FI). Tahi-Reme X-boy. (Livonia Baron Darly Dixon x Tahi-Reme Hope) 12 months. Excellent with CK winner of the…
Judge: Boris Chapiro (FR) Nyx Vom Krukenberg 7 months (Prior de Donauhoeve x Giluliette Vom Krukenberg) Did very well again Very promising…
MyDog day 2. International show. Judge: Engh Espen No. Tahi-Reme X-boy. 11 months Excellent 1v. ck. J-CACIB Best of breed-BIR International Junior-…
Today Palma was scanned free of DCM (Heart defect) An important thing to check before breeding. Palma er i dag blevet skannet…