We are proud to be able to present our litter, see more information here. Visit the litter P page here
We are proud to be able to present our litter, see more information here. Visit the litter P page here
Df Una IPG2 past, Judge: Michael Brandenhoff And became Jut Champion 2019 and best in gr c A,80 B,84 C,88 252 UDP…
DF Lafiet, EX2, CQ, RES. JUN. CAC Judge: Jelena Radulovic Serbia Owner; Diana Bentsen (JohnRoss Vom Lehmannselsen-Df Una)
DF Xina EX2, CQ, Best female 3 Open class females Judge: Judge Jelena Radulovic Serbia Owner:Hanne Lundahl & Diana Bentsen (Pride of Russia Taymir-DF Cika)…
DF Athena EX1, CQ, BOS Open class females Judge: Jelena Radulovic Serbia Owner: Hanne Lundahl Handler: Hans-Jørn Bentsen (BENTLEY z Padoku-Nyx Di Altobello) …
Herning messecenter Judge: Philip Behan Best puppy and best in Puppy class SL BIK Df Kilimanjaro
Herning messecenter Judge: Philip Behan best in the breed and 1 place open class Excellent CK 1.BTK CACIB BIR Df Xina
Herning messecenter Judge: Philip Behan Best veteran Grusholm Nova 1 place Excellent CK 4.BTK CERT Vet.CERT BIK
Results from the Danish Kennelclub CACIB SHOW 3.11.2018 Judge Sonny Ström SE Puppy class males DF Kilimanjaro VP1 BEST Puppy
Danish Dobermann klub Ztp Thy 27/10-2018 Judge Armin Hoppe De Test Manager Lars Chr.Andersen Df Quicha consisted without problems and no harm…