As usual, we warmed up by just taking a quick trip to Hungary to pick up a new little female puppy from Erika Szokol (Tahi-Réme)
What a fantastic little puppy, with an enormous drive and willingness to go. We are very honored that it became an opportunity
Home to prepare food for New Year’s Eve and celebrate New Year with some of our good friends.
Pack the car and go to Sweden and visit our good friends there. Where we also just managed to get locked in by snow for a single day.
On the way home, a trip past My Dog Show Gothenburg.
Tahi-Réme X-Boy was BOB with CACIB
Nyx vom Krukenberg Was third best female with Reserve CACIB.
Judge: Valdez Gabriel,
So what a start to show 2025.
Nice to meet you all. Grusholm wishes everyone a Happy New Year. Take good care of each other.
Diana and Hans Jørn Bentsen